Hello friends!
1429H/ 2008M is going to finish. Now we need to face 1430H/2009M.
There may be risks involved
We may need to face roadblocks
So stay alert
Share time with friends

Jump over obstacles

With care
And caution
Face challenges
Remember to laugh
Always eager to know something new
Make new friendsStick together and get ready for adventure
And you will be able to go far
Very far....
Well...not quite that far
Always take time to smell the flowers
Don't forget to relax and enjoy
And don't forget those who likes you very much
Just a few more days to go
May 1430H/2009M be a splendid year for us
Kullu 'am wa antum bilkheir
Insya Allah tahun ini akan lebih baik berbanding tahun-tahun lepas dan semoga kita sentiasa diredhai Allah. Moga azam tahun ini akan tertunai dengan penuh keimanan dan ketakwaan.
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