Hi everyone. I am so glad to announce that SHSubs has granted me the permission to share their links. Alhamdulillah :) Let us spread Heroes' love everyone. And please do support SHSubs. Register your name at their forum and leave a thank you message for their hard work.
This time, I will share the link for episode 9. It seems that the links are categorized under private section. Therefore I feel a bit uncomfortable to share the links openly. I will post the page here and you will see the links there.
Once again, YOU WILL NOT SEE THE PAGE UNLESS YOU REGISTER. Don't hesitate to register, guys. It is easy, fast, and free! Once you click on the link, you will be directed to the page. If you have registered and logged in, you will see it. If not, just register :) On the top left side of the page, you will see this: Welcome Guest (log in/register). Click on 'register' and you may fill up the form. Then, tadaaaaaaaaa you can watch it. You may explore the forum yourself. If not, you can come to this post again, and click again on the link. Supposedly you have already registered that time, you will be directed automatically to the page with the links.
Good luck on your attempt to register!
Heroes Episode 9 English Subtitle.
Can't see it even already registered :(
yup, can't see it...
can y give other english sub this eps 9??
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