Aku dapat emel yang bertajuk 'Dah mati pun main-main..'. Aku pun terkejut tengok gambar2 yang ada dalam emel tu. Kubur pun boleh dibuat macam2 bentuk, ada patung lah..macam2 lah. Orang2 futih tu ada je idea2 utk mengintepremkan diri. Kita umat Islam tak yah la nak kreatif yg terlebih sudah macam tu. Kreatif tu boleh tapi perlu pada tempatnya. Tanda peringatan kita pada mereka yang dah mati adalah doa, doa dan doa.
Apa khabar semua? Hari ini kita beralih ke siaran bahasa melayu pulak ye….hehehe.
Ok kita sambung pengembaraan kita. Sebenarnya sebelum pergi ke Korea, adik aku, Hafiz ada kenalkan seorang kawan dia di Korea kpd aku. Ye la…bole mintak tolong ke nanti. Aku pun chat la dgn kawan dia. Mati2 aku ingatkan pompuan..rupa2nya lelaki. Sorry ye Jaha, tersilap meneka jantina. Huhu~
Malam tu. dia cadangkan kami pergi ke Myongdong. Dia ajar la aku cara2 nak ke sana. Alhamdulillah, aku ni tau la jugak membaca korea skit2 walaupun merangkak lagi. Kami ke sana naik bas dari hotel. Myongdong ni ada kedai2 bawah tanah. Uiiih,besar dan panjang sungguh. Kalau orang yang shopaholic, tentu dah meraung tgk. Macam2 ada. Aku yang sedang berjimat cermat, tengok2 je la kedai. Nak keluarkan duit pun kena istikharah dulu. Hehehe. Ayah aku terpesona tgk industri tali leher kat sana. Ayah aku diwajibkan pakai tali leher pergi kerja. Jadi memang banyak koleksi dia ada. Banyak kedai tali leher kat sana. Cantik2 pulak tu. Ayah aku ada berkenan kat beberapa corak tali leher tapi makan hati je la sbb dibuat daripada sutera 100%. Kensel trus. Tapi ayah aku ada beli tali leher yg lain…yg bling2 punye. hehehe. Cantik..aku suka.
Aku masuk ke dalam sebuah kedai cenderahati untuk tengok2. Bila tuan kedai perasan je aku, dia terus menegur. Yang ajaibnya, dia cakap bahasa melayu ! Waah, sangat kagum ! « Semua ada. Murah, murah, 10000 ada, 15000 ada » Pandai sungguh. Dia kata dia pandai cakap melayu sebab dia ada ramai pelanggan dari Malaysia dan Indonesia. Apalagi, ayah aku memborong cenderamata kat kedai tu la. Aku beli key chain solar kat situ.
Mak aku sakit2 badan. Dia nak beli ubat dan tuan kedai tu tolong kami. Dia bawa kami ke farmasi. Memang peramah dan baik hati la dorang ni. Lepas tu dalam perjalanan balik, aku sempat beli shawl yang aku dok usya dari tadi. Memang berminat tapi pikir pasal duit, tangguhkan dulu. Tapi bila fikir kepalaku yang hampir membeku, aku terus beli la. Masa tu pulak trend Burberry kat sana. Tau kan yang mana satu ? Ala yg trend mark dia yg warna coklat ada jalur2 hitam tu. Macam2 benda corak burberry aku nampak..dari baju, seluar, kot, payung, cekak..sume ada..Mungkin yang ciplak punya la kan tapi memang tenagh popular di Korea masa tu. Aku punye shawl yg Burberry punya le. Hehehe.
Pastu kami singgah jap di dua shopping complex yg besar di situ. Kat atas kedai2 bawah tanah. Haa…kat situ barang2 berjenama yang asli dijual. Mestilah mahalkan? Kami tengok2 je la. Ramai betul orang membeli belah kat situ.
Kami cadang nak balik naik bas tadi. Tunggu punya tunggu tepi jalan. Dahlah sejuk malam tu. Walaupun dah masuk musim bunga, udara tetap sejuk. Akulah jadi pak jaga tepi jalan tunggu bas bersama2 orang Korea lain. Kat situ perhentian bas, jadi banyak jenis bas yang berenti. Aku sempat amik gambar, pastu lari balik tunggu bas, pastu amik gambar., memang giler la..Sampai tak sedar sarung kamera tu terjatuh. Cuak giler. Dahlah kamera pinjam punye. Lagi sekali aku buat sa’i kat situ. Jalan pusing balik beberapa kali tapi tak jugak jumpe sarung kamera. Nampaknya sarung kamera tu dah tangkap cintan sama Seoul sampai tak nak balik Malaysia dah. Huhu~
Eh, siapa tau pasal cite Boys Over Flowers? Cite tu adalah cite yg sama dgn Meteor Garden (versi Taiwan) dan Hana Yori Dango (versi Jepun) tapi ini versi Korea punye la. Memang famous la.Rata2 gambar pelakon dorang je. Kalau bole, sume barang nak amik dorang sebagai duta. Sampai hari tu aku nampak kat kedai cekak ada gambar pelakon perempuan utama cite tu. Pastu kat atas kepala dia ada bulatan menunjukkan cekak dia pakai. Pastu kat kedai tu ada la dijual cekak yang sama. Amboi, sampai gitu skali cara nak melakukan jualan ye.
Masa tunggu bas, aku saja masuk kedai handphone kat tepi jalan tu. Semestinya ada iklan para pelakon Boys Over Flower tu. Aku saja masuk tanya harga Icecream Phone. Penjual tu kata harganya RM 800 lebih. Aku beli 750 je kat Low Yat. Huhu~ Dapat juga aku beli handphone yg aku minat. Selama ni, handphone aku sumenye ayh yg pilih sbb duit dia kan…Tapi kali ni, bila dapat beli guna duit sndiri, apa lagi pilih yg super cute la..Akhirnya kami terlepas jugak bas tu. Balik hotel naik teksilah. Sampai2 penat, apalagi ? Zzzzzzzzzzz…esok kami akan meneruskan perjalanan dan Jaha yang akan menjadi pemandu pelancongnya. Sambung ye cite hari kedua di Seoul pada post akan datang.. Zzzzzzzz…
Dalam perjalanan ke Myeongdong. Ayh sempat tido..
Iklan komestik oleh Kim Tae Hee
Myeongdong-deretan kedai bawah tanah
Membeli-belah di kedai makcik yang pandai cakap bahasa melayu
Menuju ke shopping complex yang terletak di atas
Kedai handset. Ada iklan para pelakon Boys Over Flowers d situ..
Sempat bergambar sewaktu menunggu bas
Ok ini pulak iklan Icecream Phone~handphone barukuuuuuu..kawaiii!
Salam. Time to continue our journey. We took a MAS flight. Before, the last time I flew with MAS was during my primary school years. Hohoho so long time ago. It took about 5 – 6 hours to arrive.
We reached Seoul early in the morning. I was so excited in to breathe Seoul’s air. I couldn’t believe that I was actually standing in Seoooooooooul! There was also a sky train like KLIA. When we went out, there were banners welcoming the new students. However my sister’s name was not there. That banner was for Ewnha Girl Uni. My sister got a place at Korea Uni.
Suddenly there was a boy introducing himself as the representative of Korean Uni. He doesn’t know English. Luckily, there is a Chinese girl named Sherry who will be studying at the same place with Ayla. Even though the boy doesn’t know English, he does know Chinese and Russian. So Sherry and the boy communicated together. Oh, we also rented a mobile phone from the airport. Koreans are so advanced that they do not use sim cards. The number is with the phone. So there will be no worries for robbery. If a mobile phone is stolen, the owner can make a report and the line will eventually got cut. So the thief will get a mobile phone which is totally useless for him.
We then took a bus from Incheon Airport straightaway to Korea Uni. I was excited to see Korean words everywhere. I happened to just finished the basic level of Korean in Kuala Lumpur that time. SO I was happily reading the words one by one. Huhuhu~
We stopped at the side of a road. There was a man waiting for us. He was the officer of the International Student Department. We were totally impressed by their welcoming. It was spring but the weather was still cold. The officer, Mr Kim took us to the international house. Ayla was registered to a room with Sherry. Each level is for one gender. But of course the total building is mixed with boys and girls.
Then, we were brought for a tour around the uni. Wow! The uni is awesome! So beautiful and the buildings are like Europeans. We were told that Korea Uni is one of the most famous uni in the whole South Korea. Oooh, lucky Ayla! We couldn’t see any other Malaysians there even though comparing to other universities, there are more Malaysians at Korea Uni. But then, we were told that Malaysians rent houses outside of campus and most of them are studying at Engineering Faculty which is located at another place. Only those who are granted Korean scholarship live inside. Huhu~ Lucky Ayla to be fully sponsored!
Mr Kim brought us to a tradional Korean cuisine restaurant for lunch. I was a little bit afraid because of course there will be ba alif ba ya. Alhamdulillah Mr Kim knows Muslims well since he once lived with Arabs before. He ordered fish and veggie for us. We ate kimchi ler..I’m ok with the food but my father said : Sup ni sup vicks ke? Hahaha!
Airport bus route
Nice uni
Group photo
International Student Affairs
Delicious fruit punch..yummy!
Traditional Korean Cuisine Restaurant
A pink tree in the middle of the table. So beautiful!
It has been long. No mood la…..But today I’m ready to write again. What should I tell u guys?......Haaa! About my trip to Seoul, South Korea! I had never ever imagined that I would be there one day. Watching all those Korean dramas and films, being a fan of K-pop music, I just imagined that Korea is a far faraway land.But Alhamdulillah, I got this golden opportunity.
My two sisters are also very fond of Korean dramas and films. In fact, they are much more fanatic than me. They know how to use chopsticks just from the dramas. Huhuhu~ My sister Ayla got 9A’s in SPM (science stream). But then she wanted to say goodbye to Science world (just like me laaaa….hohohooho). I told her to wisely decide the best thing for her. She then chose to study Korean. I told her…people look at language field as an easy one, second-class one, so she must be very passionate to be able to face all kind of obstacles. Language is indeed a field that needs passion. It is not easy because without enthusiasm, you will not succeed.
I am a person who enjoys looking at people who really want to study. I will give my full support to them. There are a lot of Malaysian students in Korea studying engineering .So how about language? In Korea?? Hahaha! Who wants to sponsor? Don’t ever dream about it laaaaa…But I did not lose hope. I searched and searched and searched for scholarship opportunity from the internet. At last I found something called Korean Government Scholarship for foreigners.Unfortunately, no scholarship for Malaysians! Yes for Indonesians but no for us. As if Malaysians are sooooooooooo rich. Sabar je la.
I came out with a super duper crazy idea. I myself donno how I could have guts to do that. I actually wrote an email to Korean Ministry of Education! Selamba badak je tulis. I was surprised to get a reply. Thanks for that man (I forgot his name) who kindly responded to me (a nobody from a land called Malaysia? Huhu) He said that he would bring up the topic in the next board meeting. I still had hopes even though I knew that the answer is a polite version of –who the hell are you to ask for scholarship?
After a few weeks, I was extremely glad to see an advertisement of Korean Government scholarship offer in the internet. Alhamdulillah! So what’s the moral here? Don’t ever be afraid to pursue your dreams even though it may sound impossible. You would never know what will happen unless u try. It’s not about winning, it’s about who you become when you try.
Sad enough my sister was not selected. My sister was relaxed but I was to one who cried. Eh, mestilah! I tried hard in order to get a scholarship for my sis. Then, my sister continued her studies in Hospitality in UITM Permatang Pauh. The end..The end? No way laaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The next year, I accidently browsed to a new Korean Government Scholarship offer at internet. It is considered as the second year of scholarship from Korean Government to Malaysians. I called my sis at Penang and asked her to give it a try. She tried again but this time, we asked recommendation from my father’s friend, a professor in Korea. He is a Korean professor teaching Malay in Busan.
Alhamdulillah she was finally selected. Everything happened so fast. When she got the result, she just had three weeks to get ready before flying to Korea. And…of course I want to follow laaaaaaaaaaaa. But quoting my father’s speech~ bole pegi tapi duit sndri haaaaaaaaaaa…
Now I’ll start with a day before the journey to Seoul. We went to Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur for a scholarship award ceremony.
Malaysian and Korean flags
Korean Government Scholarship winners
At d airport with sis n cousins
With bubbly Uncle D
Ok. It's time to go back now. Time off! The story will be continued ok...the story of the journey to Seoooooooooul. Anyong!
Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. Welcome to my blog! I write to express myself. From this blog, you can see various sides of me, a Malaysian girl who is always far from home. Hope you enjoy reading the colors of my life. :)