Wednesday, July 28, 2010

KPop Single Chart: Fourth Week of July 2010

Hi everyone!

These days I have been practicing my driving. After 2 years, I am finally behind the wheels. Unbelievable! ;p

Ok lat's move forward to the single chart for the fourth week of July (July 18-July 25). Thank you a million to KPOPNet4 for the video update.
My favorite songs are on the top 2! :D Lucifer from SHINee is doing great. Entering the chart as a new song, I am sure it will boost up further by next week.

Weekly Chart

20. Over Time(시간이 지나면) - Baek Ji Young [▼9]
19. Go Crazy(미치겠다) - Monday Kiz [NEW]
18. Push Push - Sistar [▼4]
17. The Day I was Confessing(고백하던 날) - Jo Kwon [▼9]
16. I Came Alone(혼자 왔어요) - December [NEW]
15. Super Star - 4Minute [NEW]
14. Meddling(잔소리) - IU & Seul Ong [▼4]
13. The Person(그 사람) - Lee Seung Chul [NEW]
12. Better Together - Seven [NEW]
11. I My Me Mine - 4Minute [▼6]
10. Bbi Ri Bba Bba(삐리빠빠) - Narsha [▼7]
09. I Need a Girl - TaeYang [▼3]
08. Count On Me(믿어줄래) - Park Jae Beom [▼1]
07. Lucifer - SHINee [NEW]
06. Whale(고래) - Park Myung Soo & Nicole [NEW]
05. As I'm Painful to Die(죽을만큼 아파서) - MC Mong [▼1]
04. queen - Son Dam Bi [▼2]
03. Because I'm a Girl(여자라서) - IU [▲6]
02. I'll Back Off, Live Happily(꺼져줄게 잘 살아) - G.NA [▲13]
01. Bad Girl Good Girl - miss A [★★★]

New Releases

01. Bwa Bwa Bwa(Look Look Look 봐봐봐) - Chae Yeon
02. Sneakers(스니커즈) - Yoon Do Hyun Band
03. Good Bye - Kim Sarang
04. No Way - Rottyful Sky
05. 5 Things that I must do before Marriage(결혼 전에 꼭 해야할 5가지) - Ji Ae
06. Sometimes I Cry Myself(가끔은 혼자웁니다) - Kim Yeon Woo
07. Same Mind(같은 마음) - Baek Ji Young
08. Emotion Waving - Emotion Waving
09. How Do I Look(나 어때) - Girl's Day
10. Ska - Free Style

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

KPop Single Chart: Third Week of July 2010

Credits: KPOPNet4

Hi everyone.

For the third week of July 2010 (July 11-18) as usual we have new entries. I specially love G-na's new entry 'I'll Back Off, Live Happily.' She has a powerful voice and her song is catchy. I think she can go far. :)

I'm a bit shocked to see Jay Park is in the list. I thought it was only a cover...Anyways, it just shows how popular he is. Fans will always support you! Fighting!

And, miss A, the rookie tops the chart again for this week. Congrats!

KPop Weekly Chart

20. Dang Dang Dang(땡땡땡) - Supreme Team (Re-entry)
19. No Other(너 같은 사람 또 없어) - Super Junior
18. What I want to do when I have a lover(애인이 생기면 하고 싶은 일) - G.NA
17. You're My V.I.P - Eun Ji Won
16. I'll Hurt More(내가 더 아플게) - Hwan Hee
15. I'll Back Off, Live Happily(꺼져줄게 잘 살아) - G.NA
14. Push Push - Sistar
13. Never(절대) - Big Mama
12. Can't U See - Son Dam Bi
11. Over Time(시간이 지나면) - Baek Ji Young
10. Meddling(잔소리) - IU & Seul Ong
09. Because I'm a Girl(여자라서) - IU
08. The Day I was Confessing(고백하던 날) - Jo Kwon
07. Count On Me(믿어줄래) - Park Jae Beom
06. I Need a Girl - TaeYang
05. I My Me Mine - 4Minute
04. As I'm Painful to Die(죽을만큼 아파서) - MC Mong
03. Bbi Ri Bba Bba(삐리빠빠) - Narsha
02. queen - Son Dam Bi
01. Bad Girl Good Girl - miss A

New Releases

01. Show Time - Cherry Filter
02. I Came Alone(혼자 왔어요) - December
03. Pop & Drop - Joosuc
04. Coffee House - Eun Jung
05. The Person(그 사람) - Lee Seung Chul
06. Ex-Mind - Shin Hye Sung
07. Saturday Afternoon(토요일 오후에) - Raspberry Field
08. Only This Word(이 말 밖엔) - Jacob
09. You are the One - Kim Jo Han
10. Raining - Kim Jin Woo

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rain Bi on 'Fugitive' Drama Set

Er...Rain, I know you are just having a rest. But how come you look so hot even when you're exhausted? Oh, I just can't get rid of my fangirling mode.

Rain is currently shooting for his newest comeback drama 'Runaway.' The shot was taken in Osaka, Japan while filming for the drama. The female lead will be Lee NaYoung. This anticipated drama will air on September. I'm so gonna hack this September...hehe~

Can't wait to watch it. Bi, saranghae.... :D
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Zikir 20 Sifat Allah


Terjumpa video ni kat Youtube. Teringat pulak zaman skola dulu, selalu kena nasyidkan 20 sifat Allah. Sekarang bila dah besar, jarang2 nak nasyid macam ni. Ish...ish..ish..Mari kita banyak2 berzikir lagi2 pada bulan Syaaban yang mulia ni. Jom kita zikir sama2 ikut video ni :)

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Sabar Menjauhi Maksiat

Credits: Taman-taman Syurga
Penulis: Abu Mushlih Ari Wahyudi

Sabar Menjauhi Maksiat

Syaikh Zaid bin Muhammad bin Hadi Al Madkhali mengatakan, “Bersabar menahan diri dari kemaksiatan kepada ALLAH, sehingga dia berusaha menjauhi kemaksiatan, karena bahaya dunia, alam kubur dan akhirat siap menimpanya apabila dia melakukannya.

~ Dan tidaklah umat-umat terdahulu binasa kecuali karena disebabkan kemaksiatan mereka, sebagaimana hal itu dikabarkan oleh Allah ‘azza wa jalla di dalam muhkam al-Qur’an.

Di antara mereka ada yang ditenggelamkan oleh ALLAH ke dalam lautan, ada pula yang binasa karena disambar petir, ada pula yang dimusnahkan dengan suara yang mengguntur, dan ada juga di antara mereka yang dibenamkan oleh ALLAH ke dalam perut bumi, dan ada juga di antara mereka yang di rubah bentuk fisiknya (dikutuk).”

Pentahqiq kitab tersebut memberikan catatan, “Syaikh memberikan isyarat terhadap sebuah ayat, “Maka masing-masing (mereka itu) kami siksa disebabkan dosanya, Maka di antara mereka ada yang kami timpakan kepadanya hujan batu kerikil dan di antara mereka ada yang ditimpa suara keras yang mengguntur, dan di antara mereka ada yang kami benamkan ke dalam bumi, dan di antara mereka ada yang kami tenggelamkan, dan ALLAH sekali-kali tidak hendak menganiaya mereka, akan tetapi merekalah yang menganiaya diri mereka sendiri.” (QS. Al ‘Ankabuut [29] : 40).

“Bukankah itu semua terjadi hanya karena satu sebab saja yaitu maksiat kepada ALLAH tabaaraka wa ta’ala. Karena hak ALLAH adalah untuk ditaati tidak boleh didurhakai, maka kemaksiatan kepada ALLAH merupakan kejahatan yang sangat mungkar yang akan menimbulkan kemurkaan, kemarahan serta mengakibatkan turunnya siksa-Nya yang sangat pedih. Jadi, salah satu macam kesabaran adalah bersabar untuk menahan diri dari perbuatan maksiat kepada ALLAH. Janganlah mendekatinya.

Dan apabila seseorang sudah terlanjur terjatuh di dalamnya hendaklah dia segera bertaubat kepada ALLAH dengan taubat yang sebenar-benarnya, meminta ampunan dan menyesalinya di hadapan ALLAH. Dan hendaknya dia mengikuti kejelekan-kejelekan nya dengan berbuat kebaikan-kebaikan. Sebagaimana difirmankan ALLAH ‘azza wa jalla, “Sesungguhnya kebaikan-kebaikan akan menghapuskan kejelekan-kejelekan .” (QS. Huud [11] : 114).

Dan juga sebagaimana disabdakan oleh Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, “Dan ikutilah kejelekan dengan kebaikan, niscaya kebaikan itu akan menghapuskannya.” (HR. Ahmad, dll, dihasankan Al Albani dalam Misykatul Mashaabih 5043)…” (Thariqul wushul, hal. 15-17)
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Monday, July 12, 2010

KPop Single Chart: Second Week of July 2010

Hi everyone.

I think this week I'll start breathing normally after finishing my assignments. Then, I'm planning to take a driving license. Wish me luck! Let's check out KPop singles chart for the second week of July. (July 4-July 12) Special thanks to KPOPNet 4 for the marvelous job of updating us with the charts with high quality video each single time :)

The chart is based on the top 5 music sites in Korea. 30% from Melon site, 25% from Bugs site, 20% from Mnet, 15% from Soribada, and 10% from Dosirak.

Oh, by the way, I just wanna tell you that I'm currently a blogger at KPOPLIVE.COM. I'm writing articles under the nickname rose1363. Do visit us at for the latest updates of KPop news. :)
I'm so happy that my favorite three songs are on the top of the chart. Well done!

20. 2 Different Tears - Wonder Girls
19. Love - CNBLUE
18. No Other(너 같은 사람 또 없어) - Super Junior
17. Inform You(고해요) - 4Men
16. queen - Son Dam Bi
15. What I want to do when I have a lover(애인이 생기면 하고 싶은 일) - G.NA
14. Turn It Up - T.O.P
13. You're to Blame(너 때문이야) - Supreme Team
12. Can't Stop Loving You - Brown Eyed Soul
11. I My Me Mine - 4Minute
10. Push Push - Sistar
09. Going Crazy(미쳐가) - Kan Mi Youn
08. Meddling(잔소리) - IU & Seul Ong
07. I'm in Love - Narsha
06. Over Time(시간이 지나면) - Baek Ji Young
05. I Need a Girl - TaeYang
04. As I'm Painful to Die(죽을만큼 아파서) - MC Mong
03. Can't U See - Son Dam Bi
02. The Day I was Confessing(고백하던 날) - Jo Kwon
01. Bad Girl Good Girl - miss A

New Releases

01. Probation(집행유애) - UV
02. Gyawooddung
(Tilting Head 갸우뚱) - Girl's Day
03. Clap(박수) - Teen Top
04. Very Good - One Two
05. Have to Let You Go(너를 보내줘야 한다) - Young Gun
06. Broke Up(헤어졌어요) - Tae Sa Bi Ae
07. Gogossing(고고씽) - Black Pearl
08. Knock Knock(노크 노크) - DNT
09. Parting Shot(이별드립) - ZE:A
10. Storm - Naomi

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Friday, July 09, 2010

Mari Berselawat Sempena Israk Mi'raj


Semalam aku chat dengan anak murid aku yang sekarang ni darjah enam. Tak sangka budak-budak kecil zaman sekarang ni pandai guna segala teknologi. Aku masa darjah enam dulu apa pun tak tahu. Tahu nak baca buku dan buat latihan je sebab nak UPSR. Huhu~ Anak murid aku ni rajin betul tegur aku kat chat facebook. Selalu je dapat mesej...ustazaaah...ustazaaaah....

hehe~ macam-macam la budak ni. Tak terlarat nak layan tapi takpe la. Aku rasa terharu sebab dia masih ingat aku. Aku jadi guru kelas dia pun masa dia darjah empat. Tu pun untuk beberapa bulan je. AKu tanya la...tak skola ke hari ni? Dia jawab...hari ni cuti israk mikraj la ustazah. Oh..terkenang aku masa zaman skola dulu, ada majlis besar-besaran untuk israk mikraj. Bestnya..

Jadi aku saja nak bubuh video selawat nabi di sini. Israk mikraj, pengalamn Rasulullah yang tak terhingga hebatnya. Bila dengar selwat ni, rasa rindu kat Rasulullah, rindu kat Malaysia, rindu kat zaman skola, rindu kat yang lain2 yang sama waktu dengannya la. tak bole cakap banyak2. Nanti terlebih rindu, camana plak nak survive kat Amerika ni sorang2 nanti?

Jumpa lagi :D
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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

KPop Single Chart: First Week of July 2010

Credits: KPOPNet4. Thank you for your awesome videos.

Hi guys.

I'm back in Saint Louis now. Need to keep my mind straight and finish my sickening assignment. sigh~

Ok, let's continue with KPOP single chart for the first week of July 2010 (June 27-July 4). I specially like Jo Kwon's song 'The Day I Confessed'. It's so cute! I also like the new girl group form JYP Entertainment, Miss A. I think they are going to make it big. I am totally surprised to hear Son Dambi's new song 'Can't You See'. Before I thought that she's just a pretty woman who knows how to dance. But then, I took back my words....her voice is soothing and it fits her new song very well

Weekly Chart

20. Time, Please Stop(시간아 멈춰라) - Davichi
19. Dang Dang Dang(땡땡땡) - Supreme Team
18. Sonnet - As One
17. Huh - 4Minute
16. Love You to Death(죽도록 사랑해) - KCM
15. Love - CNBLUE
14. 2 Different Tears - Wonder Girls
13. I Need a Girl - TaeYang
12. Write Love, Call it Hurt(사랑이라 쓰고 아픔이라 부른다) - Seo In Young
11. No Other(너 같은 사람 또 없어) - Super Junior
10. The Day I was Confessing(고백하던 날) - Jo Kwon
09. Push Push - Sistar
08. It's Okay If it Hurts(아파도 괜찮아요) - SeoHyun
07. Even if I Become the Wind(바람이 되어서라도) - Hwan Hee
06. You're to Blame(너 때문이야) - Supreme Team
05. We Really Loved Each Other(우리 정말 사랑했어요) - Navi
04. Turn It Up - T.O.P
03. Meddling(잔소리) - IU & Seul Ong
02. Over Time(시간이 지나면) - Baek Ji Young
01. As I'm Painful to Die(죽을만큼 아파서) - MC Mong

New Releases

1. I'm in Love - Narsha
2. Can't U See - Son Dam Bi
3. Going Crazy(미쳐가) - Kan Mi Youn
4. Bad Girl Good Girl - miss A
5. Riva City - Kingston Rudieska
6. Star(별놈) - 2Wins
7. Boom Chi Wow(붐치와우) - Hoony Hoon
8. Hero - Sori
9. Indifferent(시큰둥) - Coconut
10. Love Sign - Mongsiri Sisters

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Monday, July 05, 2010

KPop Single Chart: Fourth Week of June 2010

Lots of credits to: KPOPNet4

Hi. I'm blogging from Chicago. Will go back to St. Louis tomorrow :)
Let's have a look at the single chart for the final week of June 2010 (June 21-27). IU and SeuLong are still on the top of the reign with 'Nagging.' Congrats! The fierce rapper of Big Bang is on the second place with his new song 'Turn It Up.' The third place song 'We Really Loved Each Other' catches my attention. I'll definitely check it out. This time with have 10 new releases.

Weekly Chart

20. Bonamana - Super Junior (Re-entry)
19. Even if I Become the Wind(바람이 되어서라도) - Hwan Hee
18. Tears in Heaven(별이 될께) - December
17. Y - MBLAQ
16. Bye Bye Bye - Hwayobi
15. Merry Go Round(회전목마) - Untouchable
14. As I'm Painful to Die(죽을만큼 아파서) - MC Mong
13. Time, Please Stop(시간아 멈춰라) - Davichi
12. Huh - 4Minute
11. Magic Girl(마법소녀) - Orange Caramel
10. Sonnet - As One
09. Return - Koyote
08. 2 Different Tears - Wonder Girls
07. Love - CNBLUE
06. Breezy Day(바람이 좋은 날) - Na Yoon Kwon
05. Write Love, Call it Hurt(사랑이라 쓰고 아픔이라 부른다) - Seo In Young
04. Push Push - Sistar
03. We Really Loved Each Other(우리 정말 사랑했어요) - Navi
02. Turn It Up - T.O.P
01. Meddling(잔소리) - IU & Seul Ong

New Releases

1. Humming(허밍) - Spring loll
2. It's Okay, If It Hurts(아파도 괜찮아요) - Seo Hyun
3. Beggin U - EZ Life
4. Excuse Me(저기요) - Yoari
5. If My Heart had been the same as yours(내 심장과 네 심장이 같았더라면) - SOOLj
6. You - Killing Time
7. Stay with me - Yein
8. Love Love Love - Queens
9. I'm Leaving You(너를 떠난다) - Harlequin
10. No other(너 같은 사람 또 없어) - Super Junior

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