Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Travelogue Series: City Museum Adventure

The full video for my City Museum adventure is out! I visited the coolest museum ever! Let's join the adventure together :)

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Fira hilwa said...

cute gler akak!
xseram ke msuk muzium cmtu?
tp part last 2 mmg best!
sy muzium kt msia ni pn sekali je sy pnh msuk, 2pn bkn muzium negara tp muzium kesenian Islam ms thn '01 dlu.. hehehe

firuz said...

ahahah. cute mendenye ;p

best la muzium cenggini. adventurous! kalau awk ada, bole la kita pnjt sama2. :D

akak ni pun jenis dgr perkataan muzium, automatik jadi ngantuk. ahahaha. alhamdulillah muzium ni best :D

take care Fira dear :)